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Week 3 Maker Space Journal

This weekend I was able to secure a piece of furniture, which I intend to modify to become my Little Free Library. It is a cute piece, a small wooden curio cabinet with glass shelves and two doors, it also has an electricity element. I intend to convert it to solar and also rebuild the glass shelves out of wood and modify the exterior to be able to withstand the outdoor elements. 
I also visited my local Home Depot and secured materials to begin sanding and painting the piece with exterior paint.

I will use Wood glue to secure the hinges and replace the current hardware with more durable outdoor materials.

 I found some fence posts, which will be attached to the current legs so to easily plant the little library into the ground.

 The cabinet was a great find, I can reuse the piece of furniture instead of building the shelf from new materials. I have also been able to salvage 6 pieces of wood, an electric sander, and plexiglass. Reusing material, and borrowing / scavaging materials will save my budget and the planet.

 I intend to outfit my roof with a little roof top garden, I found a few plants that work well in shallow garden beds.
My objective this week is to take apart and paint the cabinet, and work with the Edge to make some 3D elements to decorate my library with.


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