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Why do you have hair?

Why do you still have hair?

Oh, no! My automatic Nulesta shot did not go off on time.  At my last treatment the automatic injector did a final countdown for a full minute or so… tic tic tic tic and then, I was injected with the medicine. This week it did not ring at all. So, I called the 1-800 number and was ordered to take it off and go see the Dr. the next day. So, no need to rush to the ER, thankfully.
 I got off the phone and immidiatly passed out until the next morning.
On Monday morning,  I removed the sticker shot without checking the fill line, and tossed it in a Ziploc bag, and  then placed it in my briefcase and went to work.

I was completely wiped and I was barely able to hold my eyes open all day Monday. I scheduled an appointment with Oncology to get my shot manually, since the automated injector did not go off. I drove myself to the Dr. the drive was hard because I was so tired my eyes did not want to stay open.
The nurse in oncology, I call her the Queen because she is the leader nurse bee. The Queen was not satisfied that the shot malfunctioned. I recapped to her what happened, and compared the experience to the previous week’s automatic injection. It was very different, and it never went off.  The Queen did not want to give me another shot. The fill line was on empty and there was no juice in the Ziploc bag. So, she was convinced it went inside me.

“Whatever!” I exclaimed, I revert to a snotty teen at times when I’m tired and annoyed. The Queen told me I could come back in a week and they would check my white blood cells. And she wanted me to wait another half hour to get clearance from Dr. Varghese, who was with another patient at the time.
 The Queen then asked me. “Why do you have hair?” where I replied “shit, IDK, I guess it likes me?” she seemed confused by my response. I told her I would get in touch with her next week, because I need to go home now. I was completely exhausted.

The nausea has not been as bad as the first chemo treatment, but this lethargic feeling is ridiculous, I slept almost all day Sunday and Monday too, today is Tuesday, and I feel like I could crawl under my covers and sleep through the week. Zzzzzzz…

My hair is slowly falling out, my scalp is tingly, but it’s not painful yet like the way Mr. Dan America said it would feel. I tried on a couple of wigs at the Women’s Health Boutique and I was told that the cheaper of the wigs would be covered by my insurance. Yeah! It's got some pretty red hi-lights.
I could be a red head.

 I wore a wig once, which I made from yellow yarn for a Rainbow Bright Halloween costume, but it was a total mess by the end of the night. For Junior prom, I went to the wig store off 23rd street and bought myself a weave, which I  used to make renaissance styled princess Leah buns. The gals who worked at the store were really helpful, but I think they were confused about how and why I was shopping at their store.
 I have  worn a few wigs out at parties, but they never stayed in place for the whole night. I guess I should choose a few wigs to wear, like normal ones for the office and fancy colors for days that I feel more inspired. It would be fun to wear a purple mermaid hair style, but I feel like I may have already been there done that. I dyed my hair weekly during my teens, Im unsure if the raver/punk style is me anymore. I may have grown out of the flashy flash colors and styles.

This wig reminds me of of a style I had during my early twenties, but a bit more polished. The classic inverted bob.

This blond wig reminds me of my sister Rachael’s hair. I've always wanted curls, they say it could change textures, and colors when it grows back, fingers crossed for more body and curls for the regrowth . B L O N D idk...


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